Good question! I’m still working on the masterpiece of myself.
I can affirm that I am an outgoing introvert that enjoys conversation and social interaction in small groups and requires lots of alone time.
I love to learn and am fascinated by science, especially physics, genetics, archeology. I do have a bachelor of science in applied environmental science. (I guess that makes me nerd, lol)
I really do follow my intuition and inner observations of energy more than I execute a plan or limit myself to what I can touch.
I value my skills and unique abilities and continue to train them, as I work professionally as a Clairvoyant. I am a deep diver of my soul, and am continuously learning about myself, understanding myself more, healing myself, and help others do the same.
It’s hard to put the wholeness of me into a few paragraphs. I’ve tried to guess what you might like to know?
Flowers / trees/ Plants
with my husband,
with my kids,
with my parents,
with extended family,
with my friends,
and with my clients.
Playing with my doggo.
Creating in art and words and things and experiences
Being grounded, spiritually centered, flowing my energy, while being connected to Source/God/ All that Is/ I am that I am/ My Inner Voice/ My Heart,/ is there a word you like better? insert it here. You know what I mean, (or you don’t.)
Nature. Nature is my sanctuary.
No. I don’t perform Reiki.
I do clairvoyant energy clearing and Spiritual alignment healing, my own unique blend of techniques developed over the past 16+ years.
No. The future is not yet created. It doesn’t exist until we observe it in present time.
I look at the energy present in the moment, and where that might lead in the future. I share how people are working with that energy. It gives them much more understanding and empowers their ability to make choices.
I look at the energy present in the moment, and where that might lead in the future. I share how people are working with that energy. It gives them much more understanding and empowers their ability to make choices.
The future is a tricky beast, and there are likely outcomes.
I have tried that path, to see, to know, and to share what I knew.
When I was young, I even told people what to do or not do, and was very attached to getting it right and trying to make sure they heard and understood what I was saying…exhausting.
And it didn’t matter.
Turns out people have beliefs, and expectations, and people do what they can to enforce or break those beliefs and expectations.
Often people resist what they don’t want to know. Ultimately we are all walking spiritual paths and living life the best we know how. Knowing the future won’t change our perception or growth.
Everyone has to learn, experience, grow, and heal themselves. And we do it in multiple ways, and only when we are ready.
Trying to avoid an outcome, or create one, or protect, or force events simply creates a different way for the event to unfold, (and maybe some karma too)
Was I always psychic? Yes.
Did I know it? Kind of, but it wasn’t something that was thought about in my family much less talked about. I did have prophetic dreams a lot when I was younger and had seen ghosts, and knew things about people sometimes. When I was 12, a visiting evangelical pastor visited our church, and based on his words, I was convinced I was must be evil. I prayed that my awareness, dreams, and weird sight be taken away and I not be evil anymore. The dreams lessened and then mostly stopped, I couldn’t see colors around everything anymore with my eyes open, only when I thought about them later. I just started ignoring everything else. I got very withdrawn and sad, but hey I was a teenager, so that’s … well, you probably remember those years. Moving on into High School that I found a couple of friends who liked to talk and explore “Weird stuff” and “Fortune Telling” and “Astrology”. I discovered a lot of information about systems and people. Mostly, I discovered I wasn’t looking for the answers to life, the universe, and everything, I just want to understand me! (and discover lottery numbers and when I’d meet my soul mate. kidding. kinda. Actually I really did want that at the time.)
From there, I took learned quite a bit about astrology, palm reading, tarot, and I measured all of that information against my own inner knowing. That it turns out, meant many deep dives into uncharted waters, interesting subjects, finding, defining, and refining definitions and community and exploring the limits or expansiveness of my heart and rocking the boat, or falling off the boat entirely. Through those decades, I gained discernment of what was true for me compared to whatever expert or leader said was true. I’m a Libra, I can see many sides of the coin. I was content…mostly.
Concurrent with all that self exploration, I graduated college, got married, had kids, worked full time. During that portion of my life, I discovered Meyers Brigg. I learned I am an INFP-A. (according to 16personalities.com I am an Assertive Mediator. Yep that shoe fits.)
For contrast, maybe because I’m a Libra, I during that time I mostly chose to I walk the other path of being an outgoing, people pleasing, project manager for a company that had many locations. That job revolved around deadlines, regulations, and ensuring everyone was doing what they had to do when they had to do it, creating and following detailed plans. During that period in my personal life, I was also in the role of planning and controlling all family events. Turns out that’s not really who I am and I could only do all that being not myself for about a decade before I was exhausted and ill.I discovered chiropractors and energy healers. I then discovered energy healers that could see energy the way I did. I found out you could be trained in energy healing and in clairvoyance. And I wanted to help people understand themselves and I completed training for my unique skills.
I am a licensed minister of the Church of Divine Man and can give spiritual counsel. more of my training and experience can be found on this page.
I am not a lawyer, I do not give legal advice. I am not a medical doctor or a psychiatrist, I can not give you diagnosis or medical advice. I do not perform massage.
Please seek the appropriate professionals if you need that kind of advice or help. -
I love systems of information. Here are some I’ve explored.
I’m a Libra. Many might think that means I am a natural leader, always balanced, peaceful and enjoy art and beauty.
That’s Funny, and mostly true.
I’m definitely a Libra, and if you’ve ever played with the scales, you know how subtle the art of balance is, and how easy it is to tip to one side.
Did I mention I have Scorpio rising and a Gemini moon? Most of my life that actually meant I was bossy, curious, talkative around people I knew, and that my boat was constantly rocking or rolling while I was striving for stability and trying to understand what “feeling” something even meant. I am never content with the surface of something. I dive into things.
Do I believe in astrology… I don’t believe it controls us or creates who we are. I do believe it is powerful tool for helping us navigate and potentially understanding ourselves and relationships and pathways better. -
According to 16personalities.com I am an Assertive Mediator.
(Yep that shoe fits.)
Some have called me a cheerleader-drill sergeant…
Discovered this and Human Design about the same time, and they are related. I have explored my activation sequence and there is SO MUCH to explore and revisit. I know all the other numbers in my venus and pearl sequences too, but haven’t explored them as deeply.
Generator. Profile 2/5 The Reluctant Hero
If you are interested in this check out Jenna Zoe website: myhumandesign.com
I am now 5 decades into this life and growing.
I have experienced A LOT. I know and understand a LOT.
The more I learn and understand the more I understand there is a lot more to learn and understand!
Bottom line
I love inner deep dives (haven’t tried scuba yet but I want to), exploring, learning, and healing myself.
I do love art, nature, music, and movement. My favorite conversations involve deep curiosity and a willingness to postulate.
I strive to be an ever better listener and responder, not a reactor
I do appreciate art, and nature, and peace.
Balance is something I am still exploring and defining for myself. I know it is easiest when I am in motion, acting on my intuition.